Permaculture Design
& Courses
Ongoing Projects
Permaculture is one of the few seriously holistic responses to the state of the world.
It asks the right questions and gives offers active answers. The systematic design of places, projects and lifestyles towards sustainability. How to make life revolve around an ethos of cultivation rather than exploitation?
Everything can be redesigned. Seeing the world as series of patterns and systems including living abundance. Application of Permaculture principles and ethic to all aspects of life. Designs applied to Bellingen Youth Hub with Bede Brennan, Edible Streetscapes & Bello High Community Garden and so much more….
How can Permaculture be applied to self-care
to all aspects of life? Developing the design game ‘Adapt’.
How do we apply Permaculture to increasingly precarious lives??
Intro to Permaculture course
Permaculture Design Certificate
Taking Permaculture to the Edge course
Walkabout Permaculture course